【2024/12/10 12:00】【災害訓練の為中止】第74回 La Trobe-Kyushu Joint Seminar on Mathematics for Industry が開催されます!
お知らせタイトル | IntegExpressivity Meets Decidability in Spatiotemporal Logics |
講演者 | Yoàv Montacute (National Institute of Informatics) |
日時 | 12月10日(火曜日)12:00 -13:00 |
Zoom | https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83101963847 Meeting ID: 831 0196 3847 |
概要 | The search for a complete logic for topological dynamics, posed as an open problem by Kremer and Mints in the mid-2000s, has been a central challenge in the field. Using the Cantor derivative interpretation within the topological semantics of modal logic, we establish a complete logical framework for dynamical systems. However, when incorporating global temporal modalities, this logic becomes undecidable. To balance expressivity with decidability, we introduce a topological fixed-point operator, achieving a logic that remains both expressive and decidable. These advancements pave the way for efficient formal reasoning and verification techniques for dynamical systems, which are essential for the development of multi-agent systems and artificial intelligence. |
このセミナーは …
セミナーは昼食時に行いますので,お弁当を食べながら気楽にご参加下さい. 特に大学院生の方にとって,同じ数学でも分野が違う講演を聞く機会はあまり ないと思います.このセミナーは教員が非専門家向けに講演する貴重な機会です. 数理的な視野を広げる意味でも,英語に触れる意味でも,分野に関係なく気軽にご参加いただければと思います.また,意欲のある学部3年生,4年生の参加も大歓迎です.ふらっと覗いてみてください.