九州大学 マス・フォア・イノベーション連係学府

11th Math-for-Innovation Seminar


Events and Seminars GPMI

We are pleased to announce that the 11th Math-for-Innovation Seminar will be held as follows.

DateMonday, November 27, 17:00-18:30
VenueIMI Auditorium (West Bldg. 1, Bldg. D, 4F, Room 413)
Lecture 1Speaker: Hiroki Sasaki (Kyushu University)
Title: Combinatorics and Game Puzzles in Planar Graphs
Lecture 2Speaker: Shingo Murakami (Kyushu University)
Title: Mathematical Modeling of Legal Concepts

There will be a tea time at 4:30 p.m. Please feel free to join us.

Math-for-Innovation Seminar Sponsors
