九州大学 マス・フォア・イノベーション連係学府

2022 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit におけるBest Poster Award受賞について(D1成重さん)



本連係学府 システム情報科学系の成重 椋太さん(博士後期課程1年次生)が、MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibitにおいて”Best Poster Awards”を受賞しました。

●2022 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit


MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit
The MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit is the key forum to present research to an interdisciplinary and international audience. It provides a window on the future of materials science and offers an opportunity for researchers to exchange technical information and network with colleagues.

Best Poster Awards
Poster Sessions are an important and integral part of MRS Meetings, providing more authors with the opportunity to share their research and ideas with others.
The quality of the Poster Sessions is a major priority of the Society. The Meeting Chairs will select the winners on the basis of the poster’s technical content, appearance, graphic excellence and presentation quality (not necessarily equally weighted).
