Kyushu University Joint Graduate School of Mathematics for Innovation



Financial Support

The JGMI offers various kinds of financial support, including the "GPMI Scholarship," "Tuition Support," and "Travel Expense Support".

For details, please refer to the "Financial Support".

It is basically possible to receive both scholarships unless the other scholarship does not allow for concurrent funding.

It is possible for master's students.

Doctoral students cannot apply for a tuition waiver because they will receive "Tuition Support" in addition to "GPMI Scholarship".

It is possible to work part-time, but you must pay attention to the job types and working hours so that they do not interfere with your studies because the GPMI Scholarship is intended for students who wish to focus on their studies and have the potential to obtain excellent results.

JSPS Research Fellows for Young Scientists (DC) are not eligible for financial support such as scholarships due to the JSPS rules.

 However, tuition is exempted for JSPS Research Fellows for Young Scientists (DC) as a part of our university's original support program. In addition, JSPS Research Fellows for Young  Scientists (DC) are eligible for travel support for internships and participation in academic conferences, etc., offered by the JGMI.

The amount of support is determined on a yearly basis according to the budget status of the program.

As a reference, the amounts of support provided in FY2022 were as follows.

・Internship(International/Interdisciplinary/Industry): within 800,000 JPY (per year)

・Participation in academic conferences, research meetings, seminars, etc.: within 200,000 JPY (per year)

・Conference presentations: No limit

In addition to the rental of computers, tablets, and books necessary for research, students can take English conversation programs conducted by professionals for free.