The Joint Graduate School of Mathematics for Innovation (JGMI) is the degree programs selected by MEXT in FY2020 as one of WISE program. After 1.5 years of preparation, it was established in FY2022 in collaboration with the three Graduate Schools, Mathematics, Engineering and Information Science and Electrical Engineering, and Economics. JGMI conducts education and research connecting mathematics with various fields under the keywords of “mathematical power,” “statistical power”, “modeling power”, “co-creation power” and “emergence power”.
WISE program began in FY2018. By FY2020, 30 programs have been selected out of 140 applications.
In JGMI, we will foster talents with the following five abilities: (1) advanced, flexible, and internationally excellent mathematical skills, (2) statistical skills for data aggregation, analysis, visualization, and mastery, (3) modeling skills to construct mathematical models from complex problems, (4) co-creation skills to create in collaboration with researchers in other fields, and (5) emergence skills to integrate these four skills to create innovations.
PhD students in each department learn in-depth knowledge of their field of specialization, conduct research, and publish their results to become an independent researcher. In addition, JGMI students are expected to acquire the ability to research in a variety of fields beyond their own expertise. We sincerely hope that JGMI students will be able to identify the essence of problems and construct models based on their academic intelligence, and that they will acquire the ability to co-create and emerge across boundaries by utilizing their mathematical and statistical skills. We sincerely hope that they will be active in a variety of fields in society.
Dean of the Joint Graduate School of Mathematics for Innovation
Humio Hiroshima