About Joint Graduate School of Mathematics for Innovation
Today, the demand for data science and AI is rapidly increasing around the world. In such a world, professional talents are needed to co-create across disciplinary boundaries and create innovations with flexible thought and understanding, while using mathematics as an academic foundation for discovering and solving problems in various scientific fields and society.
The Joint Graduate School of Mathematics for Innovation is a new type of graduate school that emerged from the collaboration of the Graduate School of Mathematics, the Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, and the Graduate School of Economics. Its education and research are based on co-creation with other disciplines through the participation of faculty members from a variety of specialized fields. We nurture outstanding mathematical modeling professionals who can flourish in a wide range of fields, based on mathematical and statistical skills.
About “Math-for-Innovation-Professional”
The Joint Graduate School of Mathematics for Innovation selects students with excellent mathematical skills and motivation to co-create with researchers from other fields who mainly study mathematics, information science and electrical engineering, and economics. While advancing the knowledge of their foundational disciplines, they are expected to create innovation by developing the so-called “Mathematics Five Forces.”

International Collaboration
We will assure the educational quality and deepen the interaction between faculty and students through collaboration with our strategic partners, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC, USA), and La Trobe University (Australia) where the Institute of Mathematics for Industry (IMI) has a branch office.
In addition, we will foster “emergence ability” in an international environment with different languages and cultures by sending students abroad utilizing resources such as the Asia-Pacific Consortium of Mathematics for Industry (APCMfI), which is an international industrial mathematics research network.